Reinaldo Arzola
A rough around the edges, brittled man torn apart by the recent discovery of his wife’s affair. Riddled with thoughts of wicked intent, Reyon often transitions from a sense of blinding rage to deep
disparity. Conflicted with his emotions, Reyon is unpredictable and dangerous with his “Snub-Nose” revolver.

Sydney Aston
Looks can often be deceiving... This is the case for our femme fatale Marilyn Vonwell, a high-class beautiful woman who plays a twisted game of seduction for her own wicked needs. Manipulation is her talent and forte in the masculine world of early 50’s America.

Collin Rafter
A charming, suave looking man with a successful life ahead of him. After meeting a beautiful woman (Marilyn) in town, he takes her back to his place, unknowingly tangling himself into an insidious game...